Wybrane publikacje naukowe
Religion on the North Korean Screen: Different Approaches to Christianity and Buddhism in The Ch’oe Hak-sin Family and We Met at Mt. Myohyang in The Bloomsbury Handbook of North Korean Cinema, Travis Workman, Dong Hoon Kim and Immanuel Kim (eds). Bloomsbury Publishing, 2025
Films from a Country that Fights for Freedom: An Overview of North Korean Cinema in the Polish People’s Republic. Seoul Journal of Korean Studies 37 (2), 2024, 181-205.
Mit świętej rodziny. Kult członków rodziny Kim Ir Sena w kinie północnokoreańskim w latach 1977-1994, [w:] Nie tylko K-POP: Badania nad Półwyspem Koreańskim w Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim, red. Renata Czekalska, Wydawnictwo Księgarnia Akademicka, Kraków 2024
The Role of Religion in the Urban Sustainability of Pyongyang in Pursuing Sustainable Urban Development in North Korea, Pavel, P. Em (ed), New York: Routledge, 2024
Roman Husarski, Anton Sokolin, Brothers or not? The failure of Morning of the East, the first joint Soviet–North Korean film, Journal of Japanese and Korean Cinema, 16 (1), 2024
Mother, Warrior, and Prophet: The Myth of Kim Jong Suk in DPRK Cinema, European Journal of Korean Studies, 22 (2), 2023
Shincheonji Church of Jesus During the Pandemic in South Korea. A Dangerous Cult or a Political Scapegoat?, Meandry Koreanistyki cz. 2, Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2022
Niekończąca się tułaczka. Ucieczka z Korei Północnej na przykładzie filmów Crossing (K’ŭrosing) i Dzienniki z Musan (Musan ilgi), [w:] Peregrynacje, migracje i wędrowanie. Motyw podróży w kulturze koreańskiej, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 2022
Moral Entertainment – The Buddhist Hell Parks of Thailand, Studia Religiologica, 54 (3), 2021
Nicolas Levi, Roman Husarski, Buddha under Control. Buddhism’s Legacy in North Korea, Acta Asiatica Varsoviensia, 34 (4), 2021
Towards a Supernatural Propaganda: the DPRK Myth in the Movie “The Big-Game Hunter”, Studia Religiologica, 53 (2), 2020
From Villain to Superhero. The Image of the North Korean in Contemporary South Korean Cinema, Polish Political Science Yearbook, 48 (3), 2019
Buddhist Nationalism and Islam in Modern Myanmar, Acta Asiatica Varsoviensia 30 (2), 2017
„Trudno powiedzieć czy, świat, w którym żyjemy to rzeczywistość, czy sen”, czyli wokół religijnych interpretacji filmu Pusty Dom Kim Ki Duka, Periodyk Młodych Religioznawców Ex Nihilo, tom 16, 2016
Wybrane konferencje naukowe
Victim as Hero. Martyrdom in North Korean Cinema on the Example of Fire Burning All Over the World, 2023 Kyujanggak International Symposium, Seoul National University, November 02-04, 2023
North Korean Young Guards. The Myth of Anti-Imperialist Youth in the DPRK film Boy Partisan (1951), Korean Youth: Spaces, Ecologies and Technologies, The University of Edinburgh, June 19-20, 2023
„We Have a Mother, We Have a Father, Who Warmly Take Care of Us”. The Image of Caring Leaders in North Korean Cinema of the 1980s, NECS Annual Conference in Oslo, June 13-17, 2023
Is North Korean Cinema a Religious Phenomenon?: Reflections on Symbolism Presented in the Films of the DPRK, The Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference in Honolulu (online), May 24-27, 2022
비욘드 사회주의적 사실주의. 북한 영화 속의 초자연적 요소 중심으로, The 6th RIKS Academy for Young Korean Studies Scholars. Korea University (Seoul), June 02-06, 2021
Global juche? Foreign Filmmakers in North Korean Cinema, II Ogólnopolski Kongres Koreanistyczny, Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, May 14-15, 2021
Pure entertainment or a conservative manifesto? The different functions of the Buddhist Hell parks in Thailand, 8th South and Southeast Asian Association for the Study of Culture and Religion (SSEASR) Conference (Regional IAHR), Dhaka (Bangladesh), June 16-19, 2019
Granty naukowe
Political myth in the DPRK Cinema. 1948-2011, Preludium 21, NCN, 2023-01 – 2026-01
Is North Korean Cinema a Religious Phenomenon?: Reflections on Symbolism Presented in the Films of the DPRK, Inicjatywa Doskonałości UJ, 2022-03 – 2023-03
Praca doktorska
The Evolution of the Myth of Kim Il Sung as Reflected in North Korean Film 1949-1994, opiekunowie naukowi: prof. dr hab. Andrzej Szyjewski, dr B.R. Myers